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The complete introduction to online course creation
1- Who I am (6:05)
2-Introduction to the course (12:42)
3- Few things to know before starting out (11:34)
The preparation part
4-Understanding digital products (10:46)
5- Choosing the right topic for you part 1 (6:22)
6- Choosing the right topic for you part 2 (14:25)
7- Making a basic topic research (15:18)
The creation Part
8-Creating your course curriculum (12:51)
9- Creating your lesson plan (15:51)
10-Using power point (9:27)
11- recording Softwares that I use (13:37)
12-Recording part 1 (14:55)
13-Recording part 2 (15:36)
14-Recording part 3 (7:16)
15-Choosing the right course name and description (17:59)
16- Creating your E-book part 1 (11:31)
17-Creating your e-book part 2 (11:20)
18- Creating your E-book part 3 (8:43)
19- Creating your E-book part 4 (10:35)
Selling part : working with marketplaces
20- Introduction to marketplaces (9:11)
21- Introduction to marketplaces part 1 (6:43)
22- introduction to marketplaces part 2 (5:16)
23- Introduction to Marketplaces part 3 (6:37)
24- Introduction to Marketplaces part 4 (7:04)
25- Introduction to Marketplaces part 5 (7:03)
Selling part : Selling with Online course plateforms
26- Introduction to online platforms (13:32)
27- Introduction to online platforms part 1 (7:36)
28- Introduction to online platforms part 2 (13:38)
29- Introduction to online platforms part 3 (10:11)
Selling part : Selling with E-commerce tools
30- Working with ecommerce tools part 1 (11:15)
31- Working with ecommerce tools part 2 (14:51)
32- Presentation of shopify interface (9:23)
33- Presentation of shopify interface part 2 (9:02)
Promotion Part: Selling your course
34- Ways so sell your course (8:42)
35- building a social media presence (17:15)
36- working with ads part 1 (9:17)
37- working with ads part 2 (21:12)
38- Conclusion (5:17)
18- Creating your E-book part 3
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